Open Spaces Workshops

Personal Information Protection Policy

Open Spaces is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and subscribers. We manage your personal information in accordance with the US Federal privacy laws and other applicable laws. This policy outlines the principles and practices we follow in protecting your personal information.

This policy applies to Open Spaces and its subsidiaries and any online community platform. The policy also applies to any person providing services on our behalf.

What is personal information?

Personal information means information about an identifiable individual. This includes an individual’s name, home address and phone number, email address, age, sex, marital or family status, an identifying number, financial information, and educational history.

What personal information do we collect?

Open Spaces collects only the personal information that we need for the purposes of providing services to our customers and subscribers, including personal information needed to:

  • deliver requested products and services

  • enroll a client in a subscription or workshop

  • deliver our e-newsletter

  • send out membership information

  • follow up with clients to determine satisfaction with products and services

  • notify clients of upcoming events of interest

  • conduct surveys to help us better assist our customers and subscribers

Privacy on Websites, Email Communications, and Social Media Channels

Open Spaces sometimes collects personal information through its various websites. In this section, we provide you with additional information regarding such collection.

Cookies – When an individual visitor accesses the Open Spaces websites, we may use a browser feature called a “cookie” to collect information such as the type of Internet browser and operating system the visitor uses, the domain name of the websites from which the visitor came, date and duration of the visit, number of visits, average time spent on our websites, pages viewed and number of cookies accumulated. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that identifies the visitor’s browser, but not necessarily the visitor, to our computers each time our websites are visited. Unless a visitor specifically informs us (e.g. by enrolling for our services or sending us correspondence from the websites), we will not know who the individual visitors are.

In addition to the identified purposes described in our Privacy Policy, we may use this website information and share it with other organizations with whom we have a commercial relationship to measure the use of our websites and to improve the functionality and content of the websites. Visitors can reset their browsers either to notify them when they have received a cookie or refuse to accept cookies. However, if a visitor refuses to accept cookies, he or she may not be able to use some of the features available on our websites.

Online Communications – In order to provide our website visitors with a product, service or information, visitors may voluntarily submit personal information to us for purposes such as asking a question, obtaining information, subscribing to, reviewing or downloading a publication, participating in contests and surveys. If you are known to Open Spaces as a registered user of an online service, we may combine and store personal information about your use of our websites and the online information you have provided with certain other online and offline information we may have collected.

Email Communications – Any official Open Spaces e-newsletters will only be sent to subscribers who have expressed consent to receiving them. No personal information should be submitted by individuals under 18 years of age without their parent’s or guardian’s permission. Also, if you send us an email message, we may retain that message and your email address, as well as any response we send you.

Advertisers – If you submit some of your personal information on any Open Spaces website to request information from a third party (such as an advertiser), we are not responsible for any use of your personal information by such third party. Hence, we suggest that you first learn more about such third party’s privacy policies prior to submitting your personal information by visiting its website or contacting it by postal mail or telephone.

Opinion Polls – Opinion polls on our websites are anonymous. We do not correlate votes submitted via such polls with names or individual email addresses, unless otherwise disclosed at the point of collection.

Social Media Channels – Open Spaces operates a number of social media channels, including Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. The voluntary disclosure of personal information on any of these platforms is not governed by this Privacy Policy. Any communications which are part of these social media networks are public and not private and you provide such information at your own risk. Although it is prohibited to use our platforms as a source of email addresses for sending unfounded or unsolicited messages or spamming, others may still capture your email address and send you email messages if you post your email address and we cannot control such actions by others. We advise you to remain prudent and attentive at all times when you are online on the Internet.

Hyperlinks – For your convenience, Open Spaces’ websites sometimes contain hyperlinks to websites managed by third parties. By activating these hyperlinks, you will leave Open Spaces’ websites for those of the third parties, which may have different privacy policies and practices than Open Spaces cannot be held liable for the use of such third party websites.

Individuals Under 18 – No personal information should be submitted or posted on our website or social media channels by individuals under 18 years of age without their parent’s or guardian’s permission. If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child is using our website, please contact us. We may ask for proof of identification before we remove any information to prevent malicious removal of account information. If we discover on our own that an unauthorized child is accessing our website, we will delete the information as soon as we discover it, we will not use the information for any purpose, and we will not disclose the information to third parties. You acknowledge that we do not verify the age of our users nor do we have any liability to do so. If you are a child, please seek the permission of a parent or guardian before accessing our website.

Contact Us

If you have any requests, questions or comments about your personal information or this Privacy Policy, you may contact us in one of the following ways:

By email:

By mail:     Open Spaces Workshops : 320 E Church Street. Frederick, Maryland 21701

This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time without notice.  Revisions will be posted on Open Spaces. This Privacy Policy is dated February 3, 2020