What is your adventure level?

What is your photography level?

What do I bring on workshops?

How do I pay?

What is the cancellation and insurance policy?

How do I interact with the group?


Adventure Level, What is it?


  • Little to no outdoor experience

  • Relaxing pace

  • Walking on well-defined trails, with limited elevation change, on slightly uneven terrain, less than 3-5 miles per day.

  • Light hiking shoes or sneakers necessary, loose and comfortable clothing preferred.


  • Hiking experience or moderate physical ability necessary.

  • Moderate to steady pace.

  • Adventures may include a day hike with less 7 miles, with a significant elevation change and more rugged terrain, on generally established trails.

  • Hiking boots or light hiking shoes are suggested and loose and comfortable clothing preferred.


  • Prior hiking experience and good physical condition is a must. 

  • Pace will vary depending on terrain.

  • Hikes may be upwards of 10 miles with consistent and steep elevation change and rugged terrain.Terrain will vary and include some off-trail, rough spots and potentially unexpected obstacles.

  • Hiking boots are required and loose and comfortable clothing preferred. Temperatures may require additional clothing layers.


At Open Spaces we are known for providing adventure but for also making our events suitable for anyone who owns a camera. Our workshops are dedicated to education and providing you with photography help in the field. These events are not for teaching you the basics of camera operation. Although we are there to help, the busy schedule of each day will not allow our instructors to go through these things with you. You will be expected to understand your camera on a basic level and let our instruction take you to the next.

We recommend you get acquainted with your gear prior to your adventure, as you will get so much more out of the experience itself. It’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the features of your camera, like the histogram, the exposure settings, aperture priority, live view and exposure compensation. These workshops will explore advanced techniques such as timed exposure, night photography, start trails, using creative filters, and use of controlled off camera lighting for environmental portraiture with live models.


Gear requirements will change from workshop to workshop, depending on the destination and whether or not the workshop includes any classroom sessions. The standard gear list includes:

  • suitable and comfortable clothing, which can be layered

  • warm, waterproof jacket and pants typically necessary

  • warm hat, and proper footwear (waterproof preferred)

  • your own camera equipment (preferably DSLR, which allows manual control of shutter speed, aperture and ISO settings and a range of lenses, if you have them)

  • a sturdy tripod


  • accessories (extra batteries, cleaning supplies, intervalometer/remote release, filters, battery grip, camera manual, chargers)

  • headlamp or small flashlight

  • notepad and pen

  • spare camera body

  • foot and hand warmers


Payment is required in full before your adventure begins. A 50% deposit is required at time of booking with your remaining balance due 6 weeks prior to the start of your adventure. Payment may be made with credit card of your choice via PayPal. Email openspacesworkshops@gmail.com to begin your adventure started. Please read below for our cancellation and refund policy.


CANCELLATION: Spots are non-refundable but are transferable, with the exception of a $250 administration fee. For instance, we will provide a refund, minus the administration fee, if the participant is able to find someone else to take his or her spot and can sell/transfer the spot to a new participant. Please contact us at openspacesworkshops@gmail.com to make arrangements.

Although extremely unlikely, Open Spaces reserves the right to cancel the adventure at any time for a variety of reasons (i.e. if a minimum number of participants is not met or if unforeseen circumstances dramatically impacted cost of the tour or global conditions somehow warrant a cancellation). In the very unlikely event of a cancellation, all monies/deposits made to Open Spaces would be refunded to participants, however, no compensation would be made for participant flight cancellation fees or any other associated travel costs. See Insurance Policy for more details.

INSURANCE: It is strongly advised that workshop participants have trip cancellation/interruption insurance, as well as emergency medical/illness insurance and rescue coverage. OSW will not be responsible for any accidents or damage to your person or equipment. There will be a waiver given to you at time of booking.

Weather and other unforeseen factors can cause delays in travel, particularly from some of our more remote locations. It is the participant’s responsibility to cover any costs in the case of a travel delay of any length. Please ensure your trip cancellation/interruption insurance accommodates this possibility.

By purchasing a spot and signing the waiver you are acknowledging that you accept and will abide by these conditions.


Interaction with the group will be based primarily through our Open Spaces Facebook Page. Each adventure will also have its own private group page which you will be invited to join after enrollment. Please email openspacesworkshops@gmail.com if you have any questions.